Monday, April 19, 2010

Using Ustream to Streamline your Brand Connections

Is your company in search of a dynamic, personalized brand experience that your customer will remember for a long time to come? Read on:

MK recently worked with a client who was sponsoring a major event. They wanted to include their customers who weren’t able to make the trip out to attend. The answer was to integrate two emerging social media platforms – Ustream and Twitter to provide virtual participation. Ustream is a social networking site that offers a company friendly tool that broadcasts streaming video from anywhere to anyone who has an Ethernet connection. It has incorporated Twitter as a staple on their platform with a feature called “social stream”. Social stream enables users to login into the site with their Twitter account information and participate in a real time – chat room like discussion with other users and the channel moderators (who are usually broadcasting live from the event) while watching live video.

Ustream hosts everything from P. Diddy in the studio to a nest of an owl about to hatch. Our client's promotion went better than anyone could’ve anticipated proving there is a hidden audience out there ready to engage your brand. Artists, like Bon Jovi and celebutants like Tila Tequlia use Ustream effectively as a means to provide face-to-face access and hold conversations with their fans. What are you offering your viewers?

Is it talent/performance? Make it exclusive – something they can’t see anywhere else. Is it information presented at a convention? There needs to be value – no one wants to watch your company picnic (we’re sure it’s fun).

An impromptu discussion with your CEO, COO or social media guru?

Additional features like polling provides free consumer feedback and real time results. One to one dialogue gives insight. Learn about what your users like, dislike, what is important to them and what is not. Fans of your brand will remember the unique opportunity you’re giving them, access to something they couldn’t participate in otherwise – due to location, age, etc. – not to mention, Ustream lends itself to valuable “time on site” that is linked back to your brand – that’s a Win-Win!

But watching a concert on your laptop at home, alone in your room is probably about half as exciting as physically being there and rocking out with 10,000 of your closest friends – so this is where MK’s experience can help. You want to engage your online audience with a task that will keep them tuned into your Ustream brand channel. Perhaps run a Twitter-based Trivia game contest?

Finally, analysis of previous programs shows you can’t leave it up to the virtual gods to find interested individuals to attend your party from inside their living rooms and stay the whole time. Advertising support needs to be in place prior to your event and continue throughout. Ustream is not a “set it and forget it” type promotion but it is one that will raise the bar and establish lasting relationships with your audience.

Guest post by Jenna Hanlon. Jenna is a Promotion Coordinator in Marden-Kane's NY Office. Jenna can be reached at

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