Friday, May 29, 2009

Don't Be A Twitter Quitter

Twitter is a place to build your personal brand. Who you are and what you stand for professionally and personally. It is a land of experimentation in messaging. It provides near real time ability to see response to a specific comment. As with any branding campaign you can't expect to be noticed with one, ten or perhaps 100 updates.

Same goes for cracking the code with promotional tweets. It is a channel that takes time and a lot of experimentation to see what message will be meaningful to twitter users. Much is being written about whether or not social media messaging can influence consumer behavior toward a product brand or service. No one knows the answer yet but there are insights to be gained using experimentation in building your personal brand. If your designated twitter person is having trouble nailing down who they are, how can they be expected to effectively communicate on behalf of a brand?

More here.

Good luck and good tweeting.

Thursday, May 28, 2009

Twitter need not be a lonely place

Here is a common experience. You create a twitter account, for you, your brand etc., and post something of what you believe to be of immense interest. Then you wait. But nothing happens. So you dial it up a bit and go for the heart strings; often of the cute, or cuddly variety. I mean who isn’t interested in helping raise money for Animal Shelters just for clicking a link. Turns out you need a little help from your friends, in this case friends that are making it their business to help take away the loneliness of new twitter users.

Mr. Tweet is ready to become you own personal networking assistant.

On top of finding like minded individuals happy to read your tweets you’ll get some reporting tools that can help you understand who is reading, responding or otherwise seeing value in your existence (on twitter at least).